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Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to calculate housekeeping manning / staffing

The budget for the headcount has to be done in cooperation with the Management
and the Human Resources Department.
1 Obtain the organization chart of the Housekeeping Department.
2 Also ask from Personnel Department the policy on yearly leave and long
leave , if any note down all public holidays in year 
3 Get the total number of the room and the sizes of the various doors leading 
to a room or the suite
4 Study the layout of the hotel and make the section for the room boys and 
the supervisor, and also for the houseman
5 Also get the sizes of the rooms, function rooms, restaurants, bars, public 
areas, corridors, offices, lockers, and note also the furniture used
6 Determine how many rooms should be done by one room boy in the AM/
morning and how many for the turn down service in the evening, same 
for supervisor.
Let us now try to calculate the total headcount for some position in the HK Dept.
a. Administration/Executive Housekeeper = 1 Person
b. Operational/Assistant Exc. Housekeeper 1 Person
c. Order Taker 1 in the Morning, and 1 in the Evening 3 Person
1 person as reliever
d. Florist 1 Person
Order taker/Office clerk will displyaed multi skill to replace
florist when taking off day
Total room is 234 (Resort and Villas)
Average occupancy 60% x 234 = 141 Room Occupied 
1 Room Attendant has to do 14 rooms in the morning for Resort
1 Villa Attendant has to do 12 villa in the morning
1 Room Attendant has to do 50 rooms for turn down service in the evening/
  doing late check out / guest requests.
Occupancy:               60%   100%
a  30 villas (49x60%) = 3 5 morning
12 room villas/Villa Attendant
111 rooms (185x60%) = 8 14 morning
14 rooms/Room Attendant
b 141 rooms = 3 5 evening
50 rooms/Room Attendant
c Night room boy  = 1 1 night
d Reliver 15/6 = 3 5 Room Attendant
sub total = 18 30 Room Attendant
Remember : we still have to think about the holidays.
e yearly leave + public holiday + DP  = 33 days/ years
(12) (14) (7)
Tatal Room Attendant 18 x 33 days = 594 days/year
594 should be devided among the 18 Room Attendant
spread out in 1 year =
594 = 2 = 2 Room Attendant
The total room Attd needed = 20 Room Attendant / Villa Attendant 
with 60% occupancy and 32 person for 100% occupancy
Total rooms: 234
1 Floor Supervisor / HK. Supervisor has to do 78 room in the morning
a.  234 = 3 = 3 Supersvisors
b. Evening Supervisor (inc.Snr HK Supv) 2 Supervisors
HK. Public Area Supervisor:
c. Morning = 1 Supervisor
d. Reliever = 1 Supervisor
e. yearly leave + public holiday + DP  = 33 days/ years
(12) (14) (7)
Tatal Supervisor 7 x 33 days = 231 days/year
231 should be devided among the 7 Supervisors,
spread out in 1 year =
231 = 0.63288 = 1 Supervisor
The total Supervisor needed = 8 (including 1 senior HK. Supervisor)
All Public Area/resort area we suggest to  use outsourching / outside vendors
Linen Attendant/Uniform staff will displayed a multi skill as valet/laundry, uniform and linen runner 
a. Morning  3 Person (including 1 supervisor)
Linen Runner
b. Morning 1 Person
c. Evening/Middle (in-charge for laundry and Linen) 1 Person
e. Reliever 5/6 = 0.83333 = 1 Person
f. yearly leave + public holiday + DP  = 33 days/ years
(12) (14) (7)
Total Linen/Laundry/uniform 6 x 33 days = 198 days/year
198 should be devided among the 6 Laundry/Linen/uniform
spread out in 1 year =
198 = 0.54247 = 1 Person
Total Linen & Laundry Staff needed = 7 Person
Grand Total HK. Staff needed if: %occupancy 60% = 41 person and 100% occuopancy =  53
(less staff should be covered by HK. Trainee / DW
i putu arya wari gunawan
executive housekeeper

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